Thursday, July 17, 2014

My current reading list

     Right now I am on summer break, which means I am trying to cram in as many books and studies as I can, in my short break. I thought it would be helpful to first go over my current reading list, and then we can dive into what I am learning. Currently I am reading...

1.The King's Cross, Timothy Keller. I absolutely am in LOVE with this book. Very briefly summed up, Timothy Keller is going over the Book of Mark; which is also the second Gospel in the New Testament. This book is beautifully written and is a great resource for learning about the life of our Savior Jesus Christ.
2. Redemption, Matt Chandler. Matt Chandler is the lead pastor at the Village Church in Dallas TX, which just so happens to be my church. This book talks about our Redemption through Jesus Christ and what goes along with redemption.
3. Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis. I am a huge fan of C.S Lewis' work. He is very well known for his Chronicles of Narnia series. This book is basically a book on apologetics, or a defense for Christianity.
4. Screwtape Letters, C.S Lewis. This book, although on my summer reading list, I read as more of a devotional. It is a comical book written from the point of Satan A.K.A screwtape. The characters he is addressing in the letters are his "helpers" or demons. This is a book I never would have picked up, except a read through an excerpt of it in one of my classes. It is a great book, but takes some getting use too. I have found writing out the moral of the letter is a good way for me to grasp C.S. Lewis' messages.
5. Multiply, Francis Chan and David Platt. This book is actually going to be the book I cover in an upcoming bible study. This is a great book covering everything you need to know not only for ourselves, but also for the disciples we should be making and teaching. I love both of these pastors and can't wait to dig in to this book.
6. Doctrine, Mark Driscoll. This is another GREAT book on apologetics. There is a TON of great material packed in this book. One of the things I love most is that Driscoll includes bible references at the bottom. This will be a book I am always reading. I am wired with more of a theological mindset, and this book is right up my theological alley.

Along with these books, I am still taking time to dive into the Word. It important not to replace God's Word with man's word, although godly books are a great resource. I am looking forward to sharing with everyone what God shares with me.


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