Thursday, July 31, 2014

Memory Verse #1 Isaiah 43:10

 I am excited and to start memorizing scripture!  It is something I have felt convicted about a lot lately.  I wrote a post about the importance of memorizing scriptures a few days ago 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Do I really need to memorize verses? How important is it really?

Lately I have felt convicted about not spending the time to memorize scripture. Then I came across this quote by Chuck Swindoll, Chuck Swindoll, who said “I know of no other

Approaching God's Presence

Mark 9:14-29 tells a story of Man whose son is possessed by a demon.  That demon is causing his son to be deaf, blind and have seizures, and has been since he was a child. When the man brings his son to the disciples they are unable to exorcise the demon. Jesus who has just returned from his transfiguration on the mountain, see the crowd who has broken out into a fight and steps in. Let's take a look at the passage...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Weathering the Storm

It is very easy to get swept away, by the worries of this world. Having faith and trusting in our Lord can be difficult at times.That is why I want to bring us to Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Calms a Storm. Here is the passage.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

My current reading list

     Right now I am on summer break, which means I am trying to cram in as many books and studies as I can, in my short break. I thought it would be helpful to first go over my current reading list, and then we can dive into what I am learning. Currently I am reading...